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Supporting your wellness journey
every step of the way

Welcome to emet
medical wellness

Supporting your health and promoting wellness is a lifelong journey, but it is not one you must always navigate on your own. EMET Medical Wellness is a wellness center founded and developed to help you walk the path of self-care and improved quality of life. Headed up by a Harvard-educated and fellowship-trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon, EMET Medical Wellness provides treatment, therapeutic protocols and wellness plans tailored completely to your unique needs, backed by expert knowledge and cutting-edge science. Medical weight loss, PRP injections, IV drip therapy and hyperbaric therapy are just a few of the ways we work to support your wellness goals.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness. To truly affect meaningful, noticeable change, a plan must be built around the unique needs and demands of your individual body. The foundation of our Reno, NV medical wellness center is a deep commitment to your health goals. Through a combination of technological innovation, revolutionary scientific breakthroughs and old-fashioned patient care, we are able to help you pursue your best, healthiest life.


From deep hydration to bathing your body in much-needed healing, IV drip therapy really can make all the difference in your wellness routine.


Your body deserves the very best support. Learn more about our elite medical wellness team, headed up by Harvard-educated Dr. Erez Dayan.

Dr. Erez Dayan
Dr. Erez Dayan

Improve How You Feel

Expert Wellness Support
Tailored to Your Body’s Needs

The care professionals working alongside Dr. Dayan are among the very best in the industry, bringing compassionate and patient-focused care to each interaction. No two bodies are exactly alike, nor any two life experiences. The most effective protocols are those designed specifically to meet the unique needs of each individual patient. Proven breakthroughs in therapeutics and wellness care are embraced, integrating emerging technology into individualized wellness care plans. Choosing EMET Medical Wellness means you will experience truly compassionate and knowledgeable support from expert professionals, all gathered with the singular goal of supporting your individual wellness journey.

Enjoy a better quality of life, a deeper sense of wellness and the peace of mind that comes with knowing a team of experts is focused on your individual health. Our excellent care team at EMET Medical Wellness works closely with you, taking many lifestyle, health and wellness factors into consideration when tailoring care to your unique needs. To learn more about how we support whole-body wellness and improved quality of life, contact our EMET Medical Wellness care team. Together, we can develop wellness protocols and therapeutic plans designed specifically for you and the needs of your body.

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5588 Longley Lane, Suite B
Reno, NV 89511

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