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Hangover IV Drip

Being the life of the party can be fun, but it often comes with a price. When you wake up the morning after a particularly festive evening, the symptoms of a hangover can be almost unbearable. Having one too many the night before does not mean you are doomed to see your hangover through to the end. With Hangover IV drip therapy, you can shake off even the most self-indulgent night quicker and more completely. Find out how you can cut even the most aggressive hangover off at the proverbial pass with proactive, health-first therapeutic protocols.

How Does a Hangover IV Drip Work?

The hallmarks of a hangover are a headache, nausea and moderate to severe dehydration. Nausea can make it difficult to address the dehydration via oral routes, and the headache can make nausea feel more pronounced. This vicious symptom cycle began the moment you finished your last drink, reaching its zenith in the morning.

Hangover IV drip therapy addresses dehydration immediately. In addition to hydrating fluid packed with lost electrolytes, nutrients and vitamins, Hangover IV Drip protocols may also include anti-nausea and headache relief medication. Intravenous delivery speeds relief through your entire body, bathing cells in supportive compounds it needs to recover. Hydration and additives are almost instantly and fully bioavailable, so many patients begin to feel relief from the most miserable symptoms almost immediately.

Is Hangover IV Drip Therapy Right for Me?

There are few interventions as inherently low risk as intravenous hydration under the care of a knowledgeable medical professional. Even with the addition of supportive medications, nutrients, amino acids and other compounds, a Hangover IV drip created for you and your unique body by a medical expert is safe and effective.

Emet Medical Wellness is a space for healing and exploring a healthier, happier approach to life. When you are suffering from the effects of overzealous celebration, our care team is standing by to help and headed up by Harvard-educated surgeon Dr. Erez Dayan. You and your hangoverĀ are in capable hands with Emet Medical Wellness; call or contact us today to learn more about rapid and effective Hangover IV drip protocols.

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