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Hyperbaric Therapy

All the tissues that make up your body and the cells that keep it functioning require oxygen, especially when they are injured or inflamed. Hyperbaric therapy makes it possible to dramatically increase your body’s ability to absorb oxygen, facilitating better healing and more powerful regenerative effects.

What is Hyperbaric Therapy?

The regular room air you are breathing right now is comprised of about 21% oxygen. Hyperbaric therapy bathes your body in 100% oxygen inside a special, pressurized chamber. During treatment, your body has access to more than enough oxygen to speed healing, fight infections and generate stem cells. Traditionally, hyperbaric therapy has been used to treat conditions like:

  • Decompression sickness experienced by SCUBA divers
  • Severe burns
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Skin grafts
  • Crush injuries
  • Gangrene
  • Severe infections of bones or skin
  • Hearing loss
  • Anemia
  • Vision loss
  • Radiation injury

Life-threatening injuries, infections and health conditions are not the only ones that respond positively to hyperbaric therapy. Because it helps your body generate new skin, build new blood vessels and grow new connective tissues, it can help fight the signs of aging while imparting a deeper sense of whole-body health. Because it promotes healing and tissue growth, hyperbaric therapy can be a great post-surgical treatment to promote better outcomes and wound healing.

Is Hyperbaric Therapy Safe and Effective?

There are important safety precautions to take in a pressurized, pure-oxygen environment and for some people, hyperbaric therapy is not recommended. People with recent ear injuries, those who have undergone recent ear surgery and those with certain types of lung disease are not good candidates for the treatment. Because hyperbaric therapy is not ideal for everyone, it is vital to work closely with an expert medical team informed about your medical history. If you are found to be a good candidate, hyperbaric therapy can be a standalone treatment, or part of a larger wellness plan that includes:

  • Post-Operative Healing
  • Lymphatic Massage

The expert medical care team at Emet Medical Wellness provides hyperbaric therapy to speed healing, boost feelings of wellbeing, to support post-operative health and a variety of other concerns. To learn more about hyperbaric therapy, the benefits of pure oxygen and to find out if you are a good candidate, contact Emet Medical Wellness today.

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