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Post-Operative Healing

After a surgical procedure, your body is in deep need of healing and comfort support. There are many ways surgical intervention can improve and even save your life, but the recovery process is an important time, too. Surgery is traumatic to the body, and you may not feel quite like yourself during the early stages of healing. While it is true that surgery is supposed to help you feel better, it is important to understand the procedure is just one part of the journey.

Poor aftercare can have far-reaching implications, and the last thing you want is to experience complications during recovery. Post-operative healing and aftercare are just as important as the procedure itself in many cases, though it is an aspect often overlooked in the rush to get back to the demands of life after surgery.

Why Post-Operative Healing and Aftercare Matters

During surgery, many biological processes are disrupted. While your body is trying to heal at the site of the procedure, working to heal incisions and build new tissues, it must be properly supported. Surgery can leave you dehydrated and depleted, while all your body’s energy is focused on wound healing. Supporting that healing means restoring hydration while addressing side-effects and symptoms unique to your healing journey.

All bodies are different, and they all respond differently to surgical intervention. Everyone needs added support for strong biological function and health in recovery, but that support can look different from one patient to the next. In order to be truly effective, post-operative healing plans must be individualized by a knowledgeable healthcare professional.

Multifaceted Post-Operative Healing Support

The road to recovery after surgery is different for each patient, and a comprehensive after-care plan tailored to your needs is important. Emet Medical Wellness provides a wide range of therapies and protocols under the expert leadership of Dr. Erez Dayan. A Harvard-educated plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Dayan has an in-depth understanding of all the ways surgical intervention affects the body and how to best support healing under a variety of conditions.

If you are planning a surgical procedure in the future or are looking for better support after a recent operation, Emet Medical Wellness can help. Call or contact us today to learn more about our post-operative healing support.

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Reno, NV 89511

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